I would like to personally welcome you to come join us here at River of life, Sadly I have found that people do not put much emphasis on their spiritual life yet I have found that this is where real life begins — in your heart. Your relationship with God can effect every relationship you have whether it be with your spouse, children, job, friends, finances etc. I challenge you to consider the impact that a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ can make in your life. It is our desire to help you connect with God and see the difference He can make in your life. So please accept my personal invitation to come join us.
More About Our Pastor
Pastor Mike Waldrop grew up in Birmingham, Al. He gave his life to Christ in the early 1980’s while still a senior in high school. A couple of years later, feeling called into ministry, he enrolled at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida graduating with a Pastoral Ministries degree in 1988.
While both in college and after college Pastor Mike worked with several churches in a wide range of ministries as the Lord was preparing him for the role of pastoring. That day came when he received a call from First Assembly of God in Alexander City, now known as River of Life Worship Center. He is currently in his seventeenth year of ministry here in Alexander City.
During his second year of college Pastor Mike married his wonderful wife Theresa. Mike and Theresa have three children, Nicole, Caleb, and Timothy and just recently Pastor Mike and his wife adopted their beautiful niece Adaya.
Pastor Mike has a passion for people to experience God’s love through His Son Jesus Christ and to grow into mature believers.