Core Values
River of Life Worship Center in Alexander City is built on a biblical foundation that determines how we think about God and people. The expression of those thoughts reflects our values –the ideas and attitudes we believe are important.
Real worship >> we value being authentic in our personal and corporate worship welcoming the presence and power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon the singing, preaching and teaching of God’s Word which brings transformation into our lives.
Intentional growth >> we value a simple structure that promotes spiritual growth moving a person from
being lost to being sent and then leading others in the process.
Vital relationships >> we value small groups as places of vital personal spiritual growth,
fellowship and outreach.
Everyone equipped >> we value equipping all believers in our assembly so they can be participators and not spectators as they use their spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities in ministry and service.
Relevant ministry >> we value remaining culturally relevant to all age groups to which we minister while remaining doctrinally pure.
Outreach oriented >> we value sharing the gospel with those who have never received Christ as well as those who are out of church. We further value world missions and church planting and will devote time, energy, and money towards their development.
Fervent prayer >> we value prayer, both individually and corporately, as vital, effective, and real communication with God who has the power to change anyone or anything.
Loving acceptance >> we value all people because all people matter to God.
Integrity driven >> we value integrity from all who call themselves Christians in our assembly.
Family focused >> we value the importance of strong Christian homes.
Endued with Power >> we value the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the lives of born again believers for greater spiritual power from God to minister in Jesus’ name and greater spiritual intimacy with God.